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KaraFun Player

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How to change and save the key of a karaoke song?

To change the pitch of your karaoke songs, follow these steps:
  • Open the song you want to tweak
  • Press the Up or Down arrow next to the "Key" control in the upper right hand corner to get a higher or lower pitch

What if I want to save the pitch for next time ?
It's fairly simple. Just add the karaoke song to any playlist. In this playlist, click on the karaoke song, and a control bar should be displayed at the bottom. That's where you can setup your permanent settings.

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  1. Thanks ??
  2. If I go down 1 key (-1), is it a full key or 1/2? I find a lot of Karaoke DJ's have 1/2 steps or full, and I'm a bit confused. Just need to know what is on Karafun at home, so I'm clear
  3. You can take an mp4/mp3 file and edit the key in the free software AUDITY Also bandlabs Sonar is now free. I have the pro version, it can read videos... but that is more expensive!
  4. Thanks for the info, I will try this
  5. hi it was helpful thank you.
  6. I agree with some of the other people that it would be VERY helpful if in addition to being able to adjust the pitch, it would display the key that is currently being played. As a singer with a limited knowledge about music and skill, I have no way of ensuring that a song I like to sing is G, for example, is actually playing in that key. A person has to have a good ear to determine that. Because this feature is not available, I am going to continue looking for software that does.
  7. As per below, key changes would be easier if the key of the song on Karafun was shown - would be a starting point etc as stated. As changes are in 1/2 tones, flats & sharps would apply.
  8. I find the way to change key would be better if the key are was also shown. The original key could then act as a reference point e.g key C down to Key F (move it to-5
  9. Got It. I was using the wrong entry. sorry for the fuss.
  11. When you change the key, is it by halves or whole?
  12. I'm in Zimbabwe and I want to pay my $9.99 I don't have a visa card?
  13. I've tried this proceeduer and the pitch dosn't change. I'm a musion and I can tell pitch change and it is just not there. What am Idoing wrong?

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