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Fun Karaoke Songs to Perform

Karaoke enthusiasts agree that a karaoke session is the perfect way to relax, to relieve the weekly accumulated stress, to let go and have a laugh with friends and colleagues.

To fully enjoy karaoke, don't take yourself too seriously! Take a step back, breathe a little and be ready to laugh (even at yourself). After all, your friends aren’t sitting in a red chair, ready to turn around (or not) to judge you!

KaraFun's got so many different song options in our catalog, no need to hurt yourself performing vocally dangerous tracks, we've got thousands of easier, playful ones to tackle and have fun with. Mix it up! Pick songs you find old-fashioned, songs that are easy to sing along to or songs that everyone knows!

Your own musical tastes should not define your choices. Go for something that will appeal to the majority of your audience, it is a way to bring them together! It probably won’t serve you to opt for an obscure band practicing yodeling on metal-jazz-musette, it is unlikely that you'll not arouse enthusiasm from the crowd. Or maybe you will… At any rate, if you want to make sure your performance is a hit, we have selected a small batch of fun and easy karaoke songs. Check it out!

We've got the best of the best thanks to our catalog of 59,000!

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