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Can I use my Premium Subscription offline?

KaraFun works even if you don't have an active internet connection. Awesome! You can keep the groove going on the go, or even when your internet connection lets you down right before the guests get here.

Just make sure you are using one of our apps, and sync the songs you want to keep offline. It's that easy!

Here's how:

If you're using an app that's not listed above, chances are you cannot sync songs offline. Feel free to install one of our apps to get the best experience with KaraFun.

Please remember this feature is only available for our subscribed customers (Monthly Subscription).

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  1. Too good
  2. happy to find your app
  3. It's a dream for me ! Thanks Sanguyen
  4. Internet access in many locations is not available. Making the Kara Fun library accessible offline would make this program extremely valuable. You comment that this feature is currently in the works, please make it available soon.
  5. down loads such as zune would be a great help. often when i dj or kj i may not have an internet connection
  6. I have saved a playlist on my laptop. Without an internet connection the player will not show or work. The Playlist shows, but when I click on the play arrow, nothing happens.

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