Create an account

If you haven't already signed up, click the button below to create your account. You will be guided through the account creation process. If you've already created an account, continue reading.

Install KaraFun iPhone / iPad

On your iPhone / iPad, tap on the App Store icon. Search for KaraFun and tap the "Get" or cloud button to download KaraFun on your device.

See the list of compatible devices

Log in to KaraFun

Launch the app and tap "Login".

Enter your login information and hit "Login" (tap on the username or password to show the keyboard).

Tap "I have lost my password" if you need to reset your password.

If you're a free member, you will only be able to access 30-second extracts of any song along with a select choice of free songs.
Learn more

Explore the power of KaraFun!

Thousands of karaoke songs

Explore all the songs offered by KaraFun!

Browse the many genres available, keep the songs you love in your favorites, create a song queue and bring on the karaoke!

Go further

Use the thee-circled icon next to each song to show more options.

Adding to your favorites, your queue or synchronizing offline is a breeze!